I posted the following on a different thread but this looks a better place for it.
I bought a new Nano and ipod kit yesterday and went out for a run last night to try it out. Everything seemed ok, it linked and I did some calibration and then set out on a 5K run.
The problem came with its actual measurement of the distance. As I progressed I was thinking that I had covered more ground than the female voice was informing me and by the time I came to the end of my 5K route it stated that I had covered 4.1 km instead.
Now I planned out this route on Google's pedometer so i'm pretty sure that it is a true 5k, my time was consistent with what I would expect for that distance too.
The only thing that is slightly different from the proscribed set up is the sensor in the shoe business. I bought a Nike key pouch that goes over my laces and popped the sensor in there as this seems to have worked for others.
So does anyone else have similar experience with this, or be able to recommend a solution ?