Well Wired did a test on how easy it scratches. They got a key and dragged it down and not a mark was on it.Surf Monkey said:Glass scratches too. Plus, it shatters when dropped wrong.
Well Wired did a test on how easy it scratches. They got a key and dragged it down and not a mark was on it.Surf Monkey said:Glass scratches too. Plus, it shatters when dropped wrong.
Like I said the Zune 1.0 works with Media Center, XP and Vista. Therefore there is no reason why MS would make Zune 2.0 Vista only, since they would end up as the loosers.Code Monkey said:As S2_mac says, we'll see. None of this will be out for a month at least - that's when we get to evaluate the product instead of the hype. I'm optimistic, but cautiously so - it wouldn't be unlike Microsoft to tie the newest stuff to the new OS.
Smrt said:Well Wired did a test on how easy it scratches. They got a key and dragged it down and not a mark was on it.
Suppose but keys are most likely are going to be in your pocket with the Zeun.Surf Monkey said:So? A key is made of metal. Metal is softer than glass. HOWEVER, lots of things in nature are harder than glass. Sand for example. Even a tiny grain of sand in a pocket or under a finger can scratch glass. We know this is the case because lots of people here on the board (myself included) have experienced scratched screens on iPod Touch and iPhone, even though we were being VERY careful with them. Don't let some test on the Web fool you. Real world evidence shows clearly that glass can and does scratch.
Smrt said:Suppose but keys are most likely are going to be in your pocket with the Zeun.
Surf Monkey, you'd agree it'd be easier to "ruin" an iPod classic screen though nature acts rather than an iPhone?Surf Monkey said:Grit and sand are just as likely to be in your pocket as keys.
In theory any company's lead is vulnerable. MS's lead in OSes, Apple's in MP3 players and so on. Having said that I would actually be surprised if MS overtook Apple in the timeframe you suggest - if at all. MS is not the only company who wants to 'win', nor is it the only company that is able to overtake competitors.Code Monkey said:It may not topple Apple, but I'd be surprised if it doesn't put them in the number two spot within a few years.
JazzyMac said:Wow, just saw this thread. I don't think Microsoft "got it right" more than any other dap companies did, but whatever floats.
That's not exactly the best analogy... after all. There wasn't a war that removed them from power, they died. The way a company dies is different than the way a person dies.Pikemann_Urge said:Apple won't rule the roost forever - that's a given. Even Queens Elizabeth and Victoria, as long as their respective reigns were, had to pass the crown to somebody else eventually. But it won't be MS who is going to dislodge it.
That's not exactly fair: Had Apple actually delivered everything they said we'd have had some quibbles about the limited functions of the touch and the quirkiness of the new nano form factor along a side helping of, "WTH, I've got to buy the games AGAIN!", but that would have been about it. It was Apple's botched delivery that have earned them the widespread tarnish. They delivered three new products and not a one of them in a finished state followed with no evident wish to get them into a finished state, just an inane fixation with preventing custom ringtones on the iPhone.Surf Monkey said:Compared to Apple's moves over the last three months, Microsoft hit it out of the park with Zune.
Code Monkey said:It was Apple's botched delivery that have earned them the widespread tarnish.
So why doesn't Apple use a glass screen for the classic iPod.Surf Monkey said:Well, I don't really know. My Classic has invisibleSHIELD on it. My iPhone got one gnarly scratch before I put Crystal Film on it. My feeling though is that the Classic is easier to scratch by a long shot.
Meh, although I'm an ipod advocate, I was a dap advocate previously. There are daps out there that folks would choose over the ipod if not for the immense popularism that Apple ensures gets to the masses. But I'm sure you've been involved in that argument before.Surf Monkey said:Compared to Apple's moves over the last three months, Microsoft hit it out of the park with Zune.