Itunes Problems



New member
Oct 4, 2022
Apologies admin if this is incorrectly posted. I bought a reconditioned Classic and set about synching it with my iTunes library in Windows 10. Unfortunately each time iTunes took several minutes to open. I took the following steps, have I made a serious error?

  1. I deleted the old version of iTunes and downloaded the latest version. Still no joy.
  2. A message was displayed saying the "itunes library.itl could not be read".
  3. I cannot find any file called itunes library.itl, so cannot follow the advice to rename it to itunes library.old.
  4. Can anyone advise where I might find this file. I surely haven't deleted it completely.
  5. There are only 3 folders in Music on my C Drive, the first 2 - New Library Oct 2022 and iTunes Feb 2020 - contain music.
  6. The 3rd folder contains 2 sub empty folders .
Would appreciate any help, but I am not technical so please keep it simple, that would be much appreciated.


Staff member
Apr 26, 2006
By default, Windows 10 hides file extensions (bad choice as extensions help identify specific files and prevent seeing duplicates that are not duplicates) so you need to enable it to see them. Open File Explorer, click on the View tab and put a check mark next to File name extensions (about 80% of the way from the left side).

Usually iTunes creates a folder called iTunes in the Music folder. You may not have one, but this would be odd for a non-technical person.

You should look at the iTunes Feb 2020 folder and see if there is an iTunes Library.itl file there. Then check the New Library Oct 2022 folder for one.
If you have one in either place, you can hold the Shift key on your keyboard and start iTunes and a small window will appear to allow you to create or choose a library from an alternate location. Click on the Choose Library button and use the folder navigation to get to the iTunes Library.itl file you found and click Open.

I would guess the New Library Oct 2022 is where to look. And since the library is in a non-standard directory it could be named something different as well. Anything ending in ITL should be an iTunes Library.

That should be enough to open a previous library. Let me know if you don't find any ITL files and we will create a new one. Then import any existing music, and get that Classic to connect. One step at a time.


New member
Oct 4, 2022
Thanks for your prompt reply cjmnews. I'll try out the method you have suggested and will let you know how I get on.

Best Wishes


New member
Oct 4, 2022
Thanks again for the detailed instructions on how to find an .itl file. I have followed your instructions but I'm afraid that I have drawn a blank.

  1. I check marked "file name extensions" various files appeared ending in .itl.Eac
  2. When I attempted to open the above a pop up message said "The file iTunes library.itl cannot be read because it was created by an newer version of iTunes"
  3. Going via another route I highlighted a displayed .itl file and then hit the "open file location" tab on the top line under search tab.
  4. This just displays folders F00 - F49 and iTunes Library.itl. However when I attempt to open the itl file, I get the pop up saying the file cannot be read.
Each route ends with the pop up message saying the .itl file cannot be read.


Staff member
Apr 26, 2006
Item 1 is weird. Based on searching the EAC extension is for something called Easy Anti Cheat, which is weird because iTunes files are not associated with cheating in video games (some games install this software automatically, here is more information on it).

You could rename a file that ends in .ITL.EAC and make it end in .ITL and see if iTunes can open it. I don't think this will work.

There may be other uses for the EAC extension.
I did research to see if the EAC extension was linked to ransomware, but it does not seem to be. So this makes it seem your computer did not have various files encrypted by bad people and you need to pay to get them back.
The EAC extension is associated with EMEditor a text editor for Windows. So if someone used this software to edit the library and saved a copy in EMEditor format, or this is just an edit history, I don't know. This is an advanced editor that is not free. I don't think a non-technical user would have this software installed.

Item 2, iTunes should not allow you to see, let alone open a .ITL.EAC file as the .EAC should not be recognized as a valid file. Now if the EAC extension is indicating compression as I listed above, then the header of the file is being misinterpreted by iTunes making it think it is from a newer version of iTunes. The file (and all of the dependent files) would need to be decompressed before using it.

Item 3 and 4 sound like the iPod was connected to the computer and you found the iPod version of the iTunes Library. I think this version is read-only and iTunes requires write access so it will not be allowed to open it. It may not even be in a modern iTunes format. There probably is a reduced format for the iPod to track the songs it has on it.

You probably should look at the list of installed software and see if there is something for file compression that may use the EAC extension. If you want you can respond with a list of software installed to this thread (Public) or direct message to me (private) so I can keep trying to figure this out.

The other option is to see if you have music on your Window 10 computer to make a new library with. Then make a new library add that music that you have into it, then move to syncing with the iPod Classic.

I would also be curious as to the path of the iTunes Library.ITL file you found. Was it in C:\Users\<login>\Music\iTunes ? Or somewhere else.


New member
Oct 4, 2022
Thanks again for your efforts on my behalf. I think that the easiest route now is to make a completely new iTunes library with the tracks
that I have backed up on an external hard drive. Before I do that, a few comments and thanks for your forbearance thus far.

1. I really don't know where that EAC extension came from. I have checked back and it is not present in the files I looked at. It could have
been a typo on my part. If so I'm sorry for creating hassle.

2. Is there any way of bypassing that pop up "The file iTunes library.itl cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes".

3. The library that contains folders F00-F49? What is that and can I find a way of opening those files.

As I say this is probably causing a lot of extra hassle and perhaps the easiest route now is to rebuild the library with the music resources I
have, even if they are not as comprehensive as the tracks on the iPod.


Staff member
Apr 26, 2006
  1. OK, I thought that was weird, I will stop researching .EAC extensions.
  2. Only by using the latest version of iTunes. I always get my iTunes from Apple, I don't trust the Microsoft Store version to work properly. Here is the Apple Link for version 12.10.11
  3. The F00-F49 are usually on the iPod, unless someone using advanced steps (I have posted many times) to copy the iPod contents to the hard drive. If this was done, it was not done the way I document it.
Yes there is a lot of hassle when an iTunes Library is not maintained. This is why I recommend a backup for the library on a weekly basis. The backup should be on a different disk, preferably not connected to this computer. A 3rd backup should be either cloud based or in a fire box.

I thought the iPod was not your music. So I was trying to find your music to put onto the iPod and erase it from the music from the last owner.
If it is your music, I have steps to copy the songs from the iPod into iTunes. It may not work out to be easy and it may take a bit of work to get it done. It depends on the quality of the tags when the songs were loaded onto the iPod.

Once we get an iTunes library, we can talk about migrating the song from the iPod to iTunes.


New member
Oct 4, 2022
Thanks for your reply on Monday. The old laptop that I have the iTunes Library on, is at the end of it's life. It keeps crashing even on
mains power and is unreliable.

  1. I don't think that I can extract any thing else from the older laptop
  2. I copied the library last October to an external hard disk so at least I have that.
  3. Is there any way of copying the music off the iPod to another laptop.
  4. My concern - as always - is that once the iPod synchs with a new empty library on a new laptop, all the material on the iPod is lost.
  5. I was researching some software today that maintains it can move the contents of an iPod to a pc without using iTunes. However
it comes at a price, €25. Have you any experience of using same.

As ever your patience is appreciated and your advice anticipated.



New member
Oct 4, 2022
Sorry I had forgotten about that. Will try it out and let you know how I get on.

Many Thanks


New member
Oct 4, 2022
Thanks for those links, yes I had forgotten but have copied it all down now.

  1. I followed all the steps and successfully transferred over 4,000 songs to an iTunes Library on a newer Laptop.
  2. The songs all transferred and play perfectly - thank you.
  3. However....the iPod is showing synched but iTunes is not recognising it.
  4. I went into Device Manager, the latest drivers are in use.
  5. I rebooted the iPod
  6. I turned the laptop off and back on again.
  7. I checked the cable and tried it in another port.
  8. In iTunes preferences I unchecked "prevent automatically syncing" under devices.
Am I forgetting anything or have you any wise words to offer.

Thanks Again.


Staff member
Apr 26, 2006
Did you do Step 13?
In iTunes, then click Edit->Preferences, click on Devices, then uncheck Prevent iPods, iPhones, and iPads from syncing automatically, and click OK.
There is another step to sync the library to the iPod.
Apple has a page that explains it pretty well:

Ignore the Sync with Wifi section as an iPod can't do that.


New member
Oct 4, 2022
Thanks again, yes I did complete Step 13. Afraid I couldn't understand the Apple page, it's too complex to follow. Simple steps is all I can deal with.
I love my iPod and the way it has such a huge capability but I must admit all the technology and synching this and unchecking that drives me mad.
I've put the iPod and iTunes away for the day and hope by some piece of magic that my laptop and itunes will recognise the iPod., when I turn it
on tomorrow. I really thought that using a new laptop and new iTune library would make life much easier...some hope!

Thanks Again


Staff member
Apr 26, 2006
  1. Open iTunes
  2. Connect the iPod
  3. Click on the iPod icon in the top bar between the words Music and Library
  4. Click on the Music section in the left bar under your iPod.
  5. Put a check mark next to Sync Music in the right hand main screen.
  6. The default should be "Entire music library" make sure that this is selected under Sync Music
  7. Click the Done button in the bottom right corner
  8. Wait for the sync to complete (progress can be seen in the top middle bar of iTunes)
  9. Remove iPod from computer and play music with it.


New member
Oct 4, 2022
  1. Open iTunes
  2. Connect the iPod
  3. Click on the iPod icon in the top bar between the words Music and Library
  4. Click on the Music section in the left bar under your iPod.
  5. Put a check mark next to Sync Music in the right hand main screen.
  6. The default should be "Entire music library" make sure that this is selected under Sync Music
  7. Click the Done button in the bottom right corner
  8. Wait for the sync to complete (progress can be seen in the top middle bar of iTunes)
  9. Remove iPod from computer and play music with it.
Thanks again for your suggestions with iTunes/iPod syncing.

  1. I note your points here 1-9. Point #3; the Ipod icon does NOT appear. This is the crux of the problem.
  2. Today I tried syncing the iPod with the older laptop which runs on Windows 10 and the icon appeared as normal
  3. The problem is that the older laptop is at the end of its useful life, with frequent crashing and to be frank it is totally unreliable.
  4. I tried uninstalling the latest version of iTunes on the new laptop and installing and older version but the iPod isn't recognised by iTunes.
  5. Would the scenario outlined above suggest the problem is with the iPod itself?
  6. The second laptop is very new and is only used for word processing with few documents so it's not a memory/storage issue
  7. Should I return the iPod?
Many Thanks


Staff member
Apr 26, 2006
I didn't see your response yesterday, as it was included in my quoted text. I ignore my quoted text and I wrote the original. :)

  1. I note your points here 1-9. Point #3; the Ipod icon does NOT appear. This is the crux of the problem.
  2. Today I tried syncing the iPod with the older laptop which runs on Windows 10 and the icon appeared as normal
  3. The problem is that the older laptop is at the end of its useful life, with frequent crashing and to be frank it is totally unreliable.
  4. I tried uninstalling the latest version of iTunes on the new laptop and installing and older version but the iPod isn't recognised by iTunes.
  5. Would the scenario outlined above suggest the problem is with the iPod itself?
  6. The second laptop is very new and is only used for word processing with few documents so it's not a memory/storage issue
  7. Should I return the iPod?
I glazed over that the iPod is not recognized by iTunes on the new laptop in the success of the transfer.
Usually there are steps to resolve it.

I am running the latest iTunes (12.11) on Windows 10 and I can successfully sync an iPod Color, which is probably older than your classic.

First off, use the same cable that was successful on the old laptop. This will eliminate a cable problem.
Second, reboot both the iPod (press and hold the Menu and Center button for 10 seconds) and the new Laptop.
Third, make sure the USB connection is direct between the iPod and the new laptop. No hubs, or other devices in the middle.
Try the sync, and see if the iPod shows up in iTunes.

If that does not work, let's check your apps installed on Windows 10. Start button, click the gear, then click on Apps.
We need to see:
Apple Application Support (32-bit)
Apple Application Support (64-bit)
Apple Mobile Device Support
iPod Support

If you are missing any of these, especially iPod Support, let me know.