FAQs & Helpful Links & step-by-step guides.LOOK B4 U POST!



Oct 30, 2003
Show Song File to rename or find file. Step 1 of 3

In Library>highlight file, R click file and select Show File from Drop down menu:

Screen 8 (1 of 3) read all three posts.


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Oct 30, 2003
Show Song File Screen Shot locate file or rename, step 2 of 3 SS73

Highlight file> R click> select show file to open window below.

3. Highlight each of the files in sequence and click on rename file under “File and Folder Tasks” list on left. Note the sequence number (first disc file has no number) of each file which is the order ripped –
Library>Highlight File>R click file>Click here to see screen to change to m4b(FP10here)

B4. Highlight each of the files, clicking on “Rename this file” under “File and Folder Tasks” list on left.
- Change each file extension from *.m4a to *.m4b by deleting the “a” and keying “b’
-Click yes that you wish to change.
-Continue until all file extensions are renamed m4b
-Do not close this window, it is required to add the newly renamed m4b files to the iTunes Library:

Show file will bring up folder containing entire book if you named each file identically. Note location for managing.
To rename: Highlight first file to be renamed and click on Rename this File on left and key in b over a to make file extension *.m4b (the highlighted file in window below has already been renamed). You will be told that renaming may make file unstable and do you wish to rename. Click Yes. Repeat for each file to rename all files. Highlight all the files and thenDrag and drop into Library entry in source column of iTunes. Or, highlight and click all files to add the newly named files to iTunes library (iTunes no longer recognizes the renamed files and the new files must be imported to iTunes and the old Library reference to now non-existent m4a files should be removed (R click, clear):

Screen 73


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Oct 30, 2003
Drag and drop to add renamed file to iTunes Library. Step 3 of 3 SS78

- Highlight all the files in the window (Control Click simultaneously)
- Drag and drop all the files to the iTunes Library at top of Source Column of iTunes window.

SS 78


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Oct 30, 2003
Convert File to AAC

To convert a file to AAC, if not already done so, go to Edit>preferences>Advanced>importing and change "Import As" to AAC. Set kbps to your preference. Set Sample Rate to Automatic. 32kbps stereo is equivalent to audible.com's best quality audio. Recommend between 32 and 40 kbps.

Screen shot below: R click file you wish to convert and choose Convert to AAC from dropdown. -- If dropdown shows Convert to mp3, as above, go to Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Importing, and change import as from mp3 to AAC.

AAC conversion is slow and consumes significant computer processing capacity. Consider dedicating an unused old computer to this process.

Don't forget to reset to 128 stereo for importing/ripping music CDs. AAC is preferred for music import.

Screen 19


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Oct 30, 2003
Setting import preferences to mp3/AAC, Kbps

Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Import Tab:
Do not check Use Error Correction When Reading Audio CD's.. It will slow the process without contributing to quality.

Recommend 32/40kbps for audio books and 128kbps for music.

Screen 36


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Oct 30, 2003
Custom Settings in Import Preferences for KBPS, Stereo,

Choose Custom and set KBPS, stereo settings.

Recommend 32/40kbps for audio books and 128kbps for music.


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Oct 30, 2003
Set AAC importing Options. Kbps, Scrn 42R81

Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Import Tab, select custom to get the kbps window to open:

1. Open iTunes, and Click on the top menu Edit > Preferences>advanced tab> and click on the "Importing" Tab:
(Link to Image)
- On CD Insert: Select Show CD
-”Import Using”: select AAC Encoder
-uncheck Create Filenames with track number
-uncheck “Use error correction when reading Audio CDs.”
-In "Settings" box, click on down arrow and choose "Custom" from dropdown
-In AAC Encoder Widow that opens:
a. select Stereo setting: 32 kbps for audible.com format 4 quality
b. Choose Sample Rate: Auto (Will result in 22,020 at 32kbps. Setting at higher rate will limit max length of files which will play OK.) This will permit at least 13.5 hours of play per file. Further testing required.
c. Set Channels to Stereo to avoid lock up bug.
d. check optimize for voice
e. uncheck VBR
-Click OK
-Importing window now shows settings kbps and stereo, filter for voice.
Before importing music CDs, be sure to reset to 128 kbps for music.

Recommend 32/48kbps for audio books and 128kbps for music.

Be certain to reset kbps to 128 before importing any music CDs.

Screen 42 Rev to 81


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Oct 30, 2003
Search for audio file and Drag and Drop from iTunes Library to iPod

Sort into ascending order by clicking on Name column until arrow points up.
With Library (or iPod) highlighted, type in key words in search "Q" top right of iTunes window just like you would google. Files with key terms will appear in window. To close search and begin a new search, click on X in Q window.
To Manual Synch audio or music files (Drag and Drop from Library search to iPod):
Highlight the entire list (Click on top file, hold down shift, click on last entry.
L click drag and drop all the files into the iPod icon in source column

Screen 46


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Oct 30, 2003
View Options to Change Column Headings

Highlight Library/Playlist/iPod:
Edit>View Options>check or uncheck column heading options.

Alternatively and more easily: R click on any column heading, check or uncheck column options and column will disappear or add to right of column cursor was in.

Reorder columns by R click column heading, unchecking column to be reordered, and then R click col heading again and check column you wish it to the right of column you are in.

Screen 48


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Oct 30, 2003
Change and Reorder column headings (Alternate solution to Edit>View Options)

Right click on any column heading. Check or uncheck columns you wish to add or delete. To re-order, uncheck a column and then with cursor in column you wish the column to appear to the right of, check the column heading you wish to relocate.


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Oct 30, 2003
Widows Explorer Screen Shot after inserting CD/DVD (52)

52 Widows Explorer Screen Shot after inserting CD/DVD
3. Place DVD or CD in Drive. When the following window opens, select “Open Folder to view files using Windows Explorer.” If this widow does not appear, open Windows Explorer and browse to the DVD/CD drive. Click OK

See Aldo on HDI Import MP3 audiobooks into iTunes

Screen 52


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Oct 30, 2003
Adding files (mp3, m4b, etc) from CD/DVD to iTunes Library

1. With the widows explorer window open to the DVD/CD, highlight all the books/files you wish to place on your computer. Highlight first audio file, then while holding down shirt, highlight last audio file and all the files between will be highlighted. If you wish, hold down control and individually click each file to highlight only those you wish to place on your computer.

2. If necessary, reduce the size of the Windows Explorer Window by clicking the square in upper right of window so that you can see the iTunes and Windows Explorer windows simultaneously. Left click and hold on any one of the highlighted files and drag and drop all the files to the Library entry at the top the source column (far left). The files will begin transferring into the iTunes Library and your iTunes Music folder.

If you have checked the option to add songs to your iTunes Music Folder, adding to your library will add to library and music folder. See these instructions and screen shot for add to folder:
Keep Music Library Organized/Copy files to music folder when adding to Library Screen shot: Edit>Preferences>Advanced>General (SS23here)


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Oct 30, 2003
For use by anyone who wishes to utilize in their posts, links to the above screen shots. For use in a post, click on Quote this post, copy and paste relevant link to iLounge's stored image into your post. Of each, the numeric image number is image reference number, SS=Screen Shot image only link, FP = link directly to full post with image (erratic, sometimes to top of page).

Step-by-step on how the images were placed in iLounge posts are in the post following

image023.jpg Keep Music Library Organized/Copy files to music folder when adding to Library
Keep Music Library Organized/Copy files to music folder when adding to Library Screen shot: Edit>Preferences>Advanced>General (SS23here)
Also, same image: iTunes Library Location File Options, default player
iTunes Music Library Location: Edit>Preferences>Advanced>General (SS23here)
iTunes Library Location File Options, default player(FP23here)

image021.jpg Check-uncheck to include-exclude from autosynch
Check-uncheck to include-exclude from autosynch (SS21here)
Check-uncheck to include-exclude from autosynch (FP21here)

image020.jpg New Smart Playlist Window
File>New Smart Playlist: (SS20here)
File>New Smart Playlist: (FP20here)

image014.jpg Make File Show Extension
Show File Extension Screen Shot: R click>Show Song File>Tools>Folder Options.View (SS14here)
Show File Extension Screen Shot: R click>Show Song File>Tools>Folder Options.View (FP14here)

image011.jpg Show Song File Window
Library>R click>Show Song file(SS11here)
Library>R click>Show Song file(FP11here)

image006.jpg Info Window Screen Shot
Library/iPod/Playlist>R click>Get Info: Info Screen Shot (SS6here)
Library/iPod/Playlist>R click>Get Info: Info Screen Shot (FP6here)

image009.jpg MP3 Remember Playback Position
Library>R click>Get Info: MP3 Remember Playback Position (SS9here)
Library>Highlight ea file R click>get info>Options Tab>check : MP3 Remember Playback Position (FP9here)

image015.jpg Edit>Preferences
Edit>Preferences (SS15here)

image026.jpg Unchecking to prevent auto synch loading
Unchecking to prevent auto synch of files(SS26here)
Unchecking to prevent auto synch of files(FP26here)

image035.jpg Manually add books to iPod
Manual add books to iPod. In Library, highlight, drag/drop to iPod icon(SS35here
Manual add books to iPod. In Library, highlight, drag/drop to iPod icon(FP35here

image004.jpg Remove book from iPod
Remove book from iPod: Highlight iPod icon, Highlight book>R click.Clear(SS4here)
Remove book from iPod: Highlight iPod icon, Highlight book>R click.Clear(FP4here)

image008.jpg Show Song File
In Library highlight book>R click>select Show Song File(SS8here)
In Library highlight book>R click>select Show Song File(FP8here)

image010.jpg Importing Options
Edit>Preferences: Importing Options (SS10here)
Edit>Preferences: Importing Options (FP10here)

image012.jpg Moving Renamed Files to Library
Highlight all, L click drag and drop to iTunes Library in Source column(SS12here)
Drag & Drop Newly Named Files to Library(FP12here)

image019.jpg Convert File to AAC
Convert file to AAC: R click>Convert(SS19here)
Convert file to AAC: R click>Convert (FP19here)

image019.jpg Choose Manual or Auto Sych
iPod icon>iPod tab>choose manual or auto synch (SSb19here)
iPod icon>iPod tab>choose manual or auto synch (FPb19here)

image036.jpg Change Import Settings
Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Import Tab Change Import Settings (SS36here)
Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Import Tab Change Import Settings (FP36here)

image038.jpg Set KBPS; Stereo
Set import kbps(SS38here)
Set import kbps(FP38here)

image042.jpg Set AAC/MP3 importing Options
Set AAC importing Options. Kbps(SS42here)
Set AAC/MP3 importing Options. Kbps (FP42here)

image046.jpg Search for file; Drag and Drop to iPod
Search for file; Drag and Drop to iPod(SS46here)
http://forums.ilounge.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=854562#post854562] Search for file; Drag and Drop to iPod(FP46here)[/url]

image048.jpg Add, elim, and re-order column headings (Edit>View Options)
Add, elim, and re-order column headings(SS48here)
Add, elim, and re-order column headings(FP48here)

image050.jpg Change and Reorder column headings (R Click)
R click Change and Reorder column headings(SS50here)
R click Change and Reorder column headings(FP50here)

image052.jpg Widows Explorer Screen Shot after inserting CD/DVD
Widows Explorer Window after inserting CD/DVD (FP52here)

image056.jpg Adding files from CD/DVD to iTunes - Windows Explorer Window on top of iTunes Window
Add files from CD/DVD to iTunes - Windows Explorer Window on top of iTunes Window(FP56)

image058.jpg iTunes File Drop Down Menu New Smart Playlist Highlighted
iTunes File Drop Down Menu; New Smart Playlist Highlighted(FP58here)

To insert link to one of these images into a post, click on quote of this post and cut and paste appropriate image link into your post. You can also use the image button at top, but that method does not add descriptive information to link -- shows only as a URL. Both will pop up as a new window. Pop up Stopper must be off for iLounge, or must press control when clicking on link.

Links pop up without leaving the then current thread.

Links now checked out.
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Oct 30, 2003
Creating the screen shots in this thread how to

How these screen shots were created: Stensvaag got me going on this with an email he sent with screen shot jpgs and one I sent him back with Tunebite screen settings.

Windows solution to create screen shots like these:

1. Create or open screen wishing to post.
2. Simultaneously press Alt/Print Screen to copy only the active screen (Shift and Print screen to copy entire screen)
3. Paste into Word Document
a. In Word: Right click on image>/format Picture>Size>Reduce size with height % so that both height and width are <500 max.
4. Save as html
5. Reply to a Topic (Can't figure out how to do on an edit)
6. At attach file in Reply, Browse to an open the file with the HTML save in it and select the jpg file.
7. Submit
8. Duplicates are not allowed, but the image is stored on iLounge at the links above.
9. Only one attachment allowed. Can change in a post with an attachment, but cannot add to a post that did not originally have an attachment.
9. To determine iLounge location of image, right click image in Post, Select Properties, highlight location, copy.
10.To determine the post (only your own), click edit and submit and iLounge will return to post with a post specific url in the windows explorer window.

Also a great way to share software option set ups by sending a word document with all the option screens. Saves a lot of typing and eliminates misunderstandings.

To insert link to one of these images into a post, click on quote of this post and cut and paste appropriate image link into your post. You can also use the image button at top, but that method does not add descriptive information to link -- shows only as a URL. Both will pop up as a new window. Pop up Stopper must be off for iLounge, or must press control when clicking on link.

Links pop up without leaving the then current thread.

These links have not yet been checked. This statement will be removed when links have checked out.


Oct 30, 2003
Reconstructing lead post this thread, parking it here until complete

Post is under reconstruction. Was original lead post and leaving info here until can incorporate into lead or individual posts as answers to FAQ.


Converting CDs and files into bookmarking iPod files

Audiobook CDs and MP3s can be converted to bookmarking iPod files by following one or more of the guides (stickies at the top of this forum) in the links below. Feed CDs or MP3s into computer and iTunes will read a CD or import an mp3 file (and, if you wish, simultaneously convert to AAC format). These files can be made bookmarking by renaming its extension or by checking remember play back position. Details in the guides, FAQs and Screen Shots. Highly recommend MarkAble - easy and simple shareware to accomplish conversion.

Avoid playback probs: convert all homemade files in stereo;limit files to max 5 hours duration.

Guide: Converting audio book files,CDs,& mp3s with iTunes5+ to Bookmarking iPod files

Link to Doug Adams Mac Scripting to make Selected Tracks Bookmarkable with iTunes 5.0+ See discussion summary here:
Applescripts and bookmarking Post by Moriond

Guide: MarkAble Shareware. EZ merges/converts CD/MP3/WAV to bookmarking files, adds to iTunes, & deletes temp files < using MarkAble $15 PC Shareware> Highly recommended.

Guide 4. Audio CDs to bookmarking iPod files-All iTunes solution (Mac adaptable)

Guide 1. Audio mp3 files to bookmarking iPod files
(mac adaptable)

Guide 2. Audio CassetteTapes, any sound file played, vinyl LPs & CDs to bookmarking iPod files ) <Audacity Mac OS X, PC, Linux Freeware required.>

Guides to convert ANY sound played with any computer software or Line-in (Audio Cassettes, LP’s, etc) to MP3 files ready for conversion to Bookmarking iPod Files - Audacity Free, $12 Total Recorder, 30 Euro PolderbitS <supplement to guide 2>

Guide 5. Burn audible books to CD iTunes (mac adaptable) or AM (Best!PC only)

Guide 6. Convert mono m4b files to Stereo to avoid 4G & Mini Lockup AND keep iTrip out of 4G+ Shuffle

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Oct 30, 2003
Q. May I convert audio files, CDs, downloads, etc., into iPod compatible formats?

Q. Am I allowed to copy audio files (CDs, Cassettes, electronic downloads, and other audiobooks) into iPod compatible formats?

Fair Use and Digital Rights Management (DRM), Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and End User Legal Agreements (EULAs)

This discussion is not legal advice. Consult a lawyer for interpretation. You are responsible for your own interpretation and actions. Suggest you read EULAs, google Fair Use, Digital Millennium Copyright Act, DCMA, DRM, and other key terms contained in this post and read applicable law and practice to familiarize yourself with the issues as a basis on which to base your own and independent decision. Converting audio files to compatible files to use on your iPod is legally problematic.

Under the court doctrine of “Fair Use” it appears that creating and retaining files made from unprotected (i.e., not DRM) CDs or cassette tapes owned or borrowed is legal as long as the original format is in your possession. That is, you must delete the files from your computer and iPod when you yield possession of the originals. Downloads from iTunes Music Store, audible.com, Net Library, and OverDrive are protected under the DMCA, and are covered by end-user agreements (EULA) which the user electronically accepts when signing up for these services. Free NetLibrary and OverDrive downloads, under the auspices of selected libraries, give users a three-week license, subject to renewal. Although it is relatively easy to do, converting protected files to iPod compatible files is subject to the constraints of DMCA DRM provisions.

Fair Use:Courts have held that contemporaneous legitimate possession of an original audio book recording that is not DRM protected entitles "fair use" conversion of these audios for use on your personal iPod.

DRM files have very specific legal protection delineated in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). It violates this federal law underlying DRM for anyone to either avoid DRM or even to disseminate how to avoid the protection. NetLibrary and OverDrive specify allowed uses in their user agreements. OverDrive appears to be more lenient.

Sale or giving away converted files is clearly prohibited under DMCA.

However you interpret DMCA and its provisions relating to DRM and the EULAs of NetLibrary and OverDrive, fair use and reasonable personal ethics dictate your confining use of any conversions to your own personal use, only during the time during which you have originals in your possession, and that you delete conversions from your iTunes library once you do not have the current valid licensed original in your possession.

Wikipedia: "Some types of DRMs have been recently declared illegal in France and the European Community is expected to rule on a ban of DRM systems."

You may find a google search of “legal conversion of protected files to mp3” and similar terms interesting.
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Oct 30, 2003
Q. What sources are there for audiobooks I can play on my iPod? Where find them?

Q. Where can I find audio books that play on my iPod? Are there many audio books available? Are they expensive? What Kinds? Are they all abridged? Where can I find good audiobooks? What kinds of audiobooks will not play on my iPod?

audible.com has thousands of abridged and unabridged audiobooks and is the most straightforward source from which to obtain and download audiobooks directly into iTunes. Audible offers a variety of “memberships” that are the least expensive of pay-for-service audiobook providers (book credits as low as $9.56 plus audio subscriptions to WSJ and NYT).
See this blog of audiobook recommendations (here) for some typical audible.com audiobooks
Check out audible.com Subscription Plans. You will need to install iTunes and audible.com’s Download Manager, specify your mp3 player, and tell it where your iTunes Music Folder is. When you purchase audible.com audiobooks and download them from your on-line audible library (where they remain available for downloading at any time), the audio books will show up in your iTunes Library with no further action on your part. Audible frequently offers 2 free book credits with a trial subscription or $100 off an iPod with a year's subscription.

Audible + iPod User's Guide is an excellent all round explanation of audible.com and iPod.

The Complete Guide to iPod Audiobooks (one of iLounge 101 tutorials)
by Kirk McElhearn. Complete discussion of audible.com and audio books with screen shots.

iTunes Music Store (ITMS)offers easily downloaded audio books.
Click on Music Store in iTunes Source column for easiest access. ITMS uses audible.com as its primary source, but some selections, are available only at ITMS. Prices differ, but audible plans are usually less expensive.

Audible.com, ITMS, NetLibrary, and OverDrive books are DRM protected and cannot be shared beyond specific registered computers and their iPods. Audible.com purchases are available in your audible library "forever" and may be downloaded as many times as you wish. ITMS purchases may be downloaded only once.

Free NetLibrary or OverDrive on-line audiobook protected wma format down loads are offered by some public libraries. Will play only on wma devices or Windows Media Player (standard for windows), but not play in iTunes or on iPod. It is illegal under DMCA to tell anyone how to circumvent protected files. Clever iPodders may be able to combine posts in this forum to convert these files to bookmarking iPod files.

Some libraries provide service to out of area property owners as well residents of their state beyond traditional service areas. Some Libraries offer for-fee memberships.

Your Public Library probably offers a selection of audio book CDs or cassette tapes. See guides in signature below on how to convert these to bookmarking iPod files. Library audio CDs heavy use frequently results in scuffed CDs which do not play or record well. Using soft cotton or microfiber cloth (Old T shirt, e.g.) wipe from the center of the CD out. Wiping in the direction of the tracks may add scratches. Radio Shack sells a CD cleaning device into which you insert a liquid sprayed CD for a rotating chamois wipe and clean. While you are at it, buy a CD/DVD drive cleaning disc which will clean the CD/DVD lenses and compartment. Each is inexpensive.

Click here for Free Audiobooks Thread this forum

Audiobook recommendations can be found or posted in this thread:
Audible Book Recommendations - Post yours here or my personal recommendations here:
Link 7. Roberts Audible Book sorta literary Recommendations
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Oct 30, 2003
Helpful links on iPod usage, updates, etc.

Basic iPod usage:
Links to Official Apple iPod Support includes how-to's and iPod/iTunes updates.

help facilities, FAQs, and tutorials

iPod 101 Important: Click on Show Me How to view the videos and screen shots.
Apple Discussions: iPod
iPod Updater download site
Download site for latest version of iTunes
Apple iPod Overview and FAQ
iPod Troubleshooting links & five steps that will conquer most iPod issues Page has, among other things, links to:
1. Reset your iPod.
2. Retry with a different USB port.
3. Restart your computer.
4. Reinstall iPod and iTunes software.
5. Restore your iPod.
All iPod Manuals

iLounge iPod 101 & 201 (complete list. Scroll down on page to see list)

Apple Mac-Centric Doug's and Aldo Sites

iLounge Buyer's Guide to accessories and more

iLounge Buyer's Guide Download pdf[/b] This guide is already somewhat out of date without nano and describes non-color LCD iPods.

I use a Kensington 33185 Digital FM Transmitter/Car Charger any dock connector iPod. Connects to the base of the iPod, thereby using the line out function instead of the 1/8 stereo plug. Powers from cigarette lighter.
Use RCA/3.5mm Y connector to drive any stereo with iPod
Radio Shack Y connector (about $5) from 1/8 (3.5 mm) stereo plug to dual RCA connectors. Attach to the auxillary input on stereo amplifier. You will be amazed.
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