Summary on successfully getting books to show up in Audiobooks section with iTunes 6
Since the
original post by teacher24_70 started in a thread in another forum, I'm posting a summary recap.
The original problem post stated that only one out of half a dozen audiobooks imported from CDs and "converted" to file type .m4b showed up in the Audiobooks section of the iPod. A check of the Summary information for these files in the iTunes Music Library using
cmd + i (the Mac keyboard shortcut for
File -> Get Info showed that only files for the book that showed up in the Audiobooks section showed
Kind: Protected AAC Audio File -- all others showed up simply as AAC Audio File, and these audiobooks which did not show as "Protected" also showed up under Music.
teacher24_70 then ran the Make Bookmarkable AppleScript on these files, and didn't see a change in status to "Protected" AAC Audio File, but upon opening the get info window and closing it. found that the status updated to "Protected". Going through the files by clicking the "Next" button updated all the information to "Kind: Protected AAC Audio File". These files then (apparently) all registered correctly as Audiobook files when a re-sync forced the iPod iTunes Music Library.xml database file to update.
What I think is going on & summary recommendations for users
The command to set filetype to m4b in the Make Bookmarkable AppleScript and the "File Match" program teacher24_70 used to change the filetype of an audiobook file doesn't set a modification timestamp. The iTunes Music Library.xml database file that stores the information on filetype doesn't automatically update file status without such a sign that files have been modified. Modifying a file (by editing a tag or adding album art), opening a file with
File -> Get Info, or starting to play the file are all ways to force the system to compare information read in the file headers with other file status information and update the iTunes Music Library.xml database file.
Make sure the summary panel from Get Info shows that Kind is Protected AAC Audio File for all your audiobooks before you transfer them to your iPod. If necessary, open these files with
File -> Get Info and click through the next buttons to force status to update to "Protected".
I suspect that if you create a merged file (using iTunesJoin shareware or the "Join and Chapterize" AppleScript) out of individual segments that have been made bookmarkable, the result will automatically show the "Protected" status without the user's having to check this. The reason is that in modifying files to create the merged result, iTunes will have to read and update the status of all the component segments, and assign the "Protected" status to the resulting file, as well. This could also explain javabird's success with "Join and Chapterize" as well. I don't know why this latency in updating filetype status emerged with iTunes 6, but it seems to be a characteristic that was not present in earlier iTunes versions.
teacher24_70, since FileMatch allows you to change the modification times as well as the file type, you might see whether running that setting at the same time you change type to .m4b forces the iTunes Music Library.xml file to update to "Protected" without your having to click through in Get Info. And you may not have to use the
Make Bookmarkable AppleScript at all.
Selected Tracks Bookmarkable AppleScript may also be a viable option, if someone can test this under iTunes 6 while checking that Kind is set to "Protected"
before trying any syncs with the iPod. In any case, using the
Make Bookmarkable AppleScript should continue to provide a way for users to get their homemade audiobooks into the Audiobook category of the iPod, provided they check that the status of "Kind" has been updated to "Protected" before syncing.
On Older Model iPods Use Make Bookmarkable and NOT Selected Tracks Bookmarkable
Selected Tracks Bookmarkable AppleScript works on
both AAC (.m4a) and mp3 files via the checkbox options to make selected entries (mp3 and/or aac) bookmarkable. This means that users with 3G iPods and 4G iPods that are running firmware before 2005-06-26 (anyone who rolled back or decided not to update in order to keep
dynamically updating smart playlists) should not use this script -- the earlier iPod models don't support the checkbox options. Those tracks will bookmark in playback under iTunes (5.0 and later) but
not on an older model iPod, because the firmware does not support it. AAC files run through the
Selected Tracks Bookmarkable AppleScript will not be bookmarkable on these iPod models or appear in the Audiobook section of your iPod. Use the
Make Bookmarkable AppleScript instead for these AAC files.
Edited to add paragraph warning users with old-model iPods to use Make Bookmarkable script instead of Selected Tracks Bookmarkable.