i am desperate, i do not know where else to go. i tread the tech support board where you can post about ANY compter electronic problem... ignored. i went to the Philips board... ignored!
i have a Philips blu ray BDP2285 and it has been freezing up on my blu ray, reg DVD and digital MKV file downloads from a USB port drive where i would have to unplug it and the plug it back in again, i first encounterd this problem a little over a year ago. where this forum told me that it might be internet cache buildup and i need t fix it, these were the instructions: "1. Re-install the latest Firmware by using USB.
2. Restore to factory default settings.
3. Pull the power cord, and then press and hold the power button for several seconds. This will drain the capacitors." i did that. and i also left the wifi off on the blu ray, so i can be sure it would not happen again....or so i thought. (i have an LGsmartTV with those things like Netflix and Youtube in the front room plus on my compter and ipad so im good.
the bluray worked fine since then...UNTIL NOW! Its doing that freezing thing again, and i dont know how. if its not intetnet cache buildup what could it be and how do i fix it? i looked online for the latest firmware upgrade download but none exist. can anyone here help me with this problem?!?
i have a Philips blu ray BDP2285 and it has been freezing up on my blu ray, reg DVD and digital MKV file downloads from a USB port drive where i would have to unplug it and the plug it back in again, i first encounterd this problem a little over a year ago. where this forum told me that it might be internet cache buildup and i need t fix it, these were the instructions: "1. Re-install the latest Firmware by using USB.
2. Restore to factory default settings.
3. Pull the power cord, and then press and hold the power button for several seconds. This will drain the capacitors." i did that. and i also left the wifi off on the blu ray, so i can be sure it would not happen again....or so i thought. (i have an LGsmartTV with those things like Netflix and Youtube in the front room plus on my compter and ipad so im good.
the bluray worked fine since then...UNTIL NOW! Its doing that freezing thing again, and i dont know how. if its not intetnet cache buildup what could it be and how do i fix it? i looked online for the latest firmware upgrade download but none exist. can anyone here help me with this problem?!?