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  1. L

    Easy - solution for scratchs! Its finally here.

    Hi everyone - sorry about the length of the post I bought the ipod video about 6 weeks ago... but after i read it scrathced so easily i decided to keep it in its box to keep it safe - some called me crazy. but its a small price to pay for going around with a scrathless ipod... of course it was...
  2. L

    Ultimate iPod video Converter This seems like a pretty great program - it allows you to convert WMV RM or any Quicktime major codec into iPod Ready video. Problem is - I'm on a Mac - I do have Virtual PC but Im sure all us mac users would prefer an OS X Native varient to...
  3. L

    Videos with sound off

    How much play back time do you get when u watch ur vids with just the audio... ie listeing to stand up comedy - and turing the video off... Im wondering because if its the same as regular audio playback then I'll delete my duplicate audiio tracks and just keep the video ones. hope someone has...
  4. L

    Ripping video from 5th Gen ipod

    Please choose the appropriate forum for this topic. Thank you. iPodRip... great piece of software. Is there a 5th Gen Equivalent that allows you to rip video from other peoples ipods as well?
  5. L

    Converting MPEG to iPod Video

    I have huge problems doing this, I have about 20 downloaded videos on my HD that I want to put on my ipod. But when i convert them, I dont get sound - only audio. Another thing I noticed is - you cant copy and paste out of the files. What can i do about this? I have QT Pro - Im on an G5 Apple...
  6. L

    Definitive Battery Mileage Discussion!

    Order my ipod 22 days ago - still waiting... getting ####ed off now - but i digress! What i want to know is - with normal usage what amount of video playback are you getting day to day? I ask because once i get my ipod i intend to: Get up: listen to music as i walk to the bus - 20 mins watch a...
  7. L

    Place your bets!

    Hey guys - i know most of you ordered from Apple when gertting ur new iPods! I'm tracking my order and have no idea - when i should expect the dam thing! I live in Dublin Ireland (I Imagine it takes roughly as long for UK orders) Heres what it says on the website Shipment Picked Up...
  8. L

    How to convert Real Media

    Converting Real Media for use with the new iPod. ive seen this question in other forums and nobody ever gave solutions. Does anyone know?
  9. L

    Apple ipod slip case

    Is it totally useless? - as its currently what i plan to use with my new 60 gig ipod... but it seems everyone else is buying third party ones or using the invisible shields.
  10. L

    iPod Order- Your Location - How long it took

    How long from Apple Shipping your ipod did it take to get to you? And where in the world are you? I've waited over a week now - and my order is still labeled as Not Shipped Yet. I live in Dublin - I wanted to know how long your orders took from Shipping to Arival. (Prefferably for the UK)
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    Song Ratings

    I know you can change song ratings on the new ipod.. but do they change in itunes now - when I connect it to sync with the computer? Ive still use my 2G while my 5G is in the post! Does anyone know if iTunes syncs your ratings from your ipod? And if now - this feature is utterly useless...
  12. L

    What Apple Don't want you to know.

    This Special Event Happened 8th Of November.... and nobody was told.
  13. L

    Everyone Stop being so Anal about Scratches.

    I've had a 1G and then a 2G ipod since they came out. I've patiently waited for Apple to bring out iPod with Video - so now finally Im upgrading. But What I dont understand is all you people who are giving out about the way apple has changed the front to have a thin layer of clear plastic like...
  14. L

    iTunes isnt Innovative anymore!

    I'm sick of iTunes not being inovative anymore. It does the job - but in no way does it revolutionize the way we organize and listen to our music. Apple should be striving to push the envolope in all fields - the latest Version of iTunes could do with 100's of new features which rival music...
  15. L

    iPod Audio thru mini Jack Question

    Still waiting on my ipod. But i got an important question for all ppl who have a 5G ipod. What is the quality like when you record audio in through the mini jack port on the top? I'm supposed to film 2 gigs this month and i need to record audio from the mixing deck - and i was hoping that i...
  16. L

    Problems exporting to ipod video.

    Hey everyone got a kind of techy question regarding quicktime. what im trying to do is get all of my music videos from quicktime into itunes. I have quictime pro so you'd think this would be easy - and in some cases you'd be right - exporting to iPod video takes time but eventually yields...
  17. L


    Does the 5G ipod have built in Recording thru the mini jack socket? Someone said if i simply plug a mic into the socket I could record audio without the need for 3rd party hardware. anyone heard about this or done it? my ipods in the post