Search results

  1. K

    what i would really like to see in firware 1.12 or 1.2

    i would really like to be able to select podcasts off my main menu and then when i select a video podcasts, actually play the video, not just the audio with the first frame. Post your improvements below and if you would like to see myne as well!
  2. K

    Battery Danger

    Im about to pass out right now and i just would like to know if i could leave my iPod in for 6 or 7 hours until i wake up, because i need it charged for tomorrow, and at the moment the battery is fully depleted, but will this 2 to 3 extra hours sitting in charger harm the battery?? Respond...
  3. K

    Effects of Video Bitrates on Battery Life

    Does using a higher video bitrate drastically reduce battery life because i have almost double the 750kbps that apple guarantees 3 hours playback with, my full movies no matter how long are always an output of about 1.5 gigs and then music videos are about 1mbps, i do this because it still looks...
  4. K

    Best Protection

    Which Skin gives the best protection overall, this doesnt mean application or anyother factor, just which gives the best protection, i beleive it is the IS and i have one it rocks!
  5. K

    Easy to Fix stuck pixels

    I walked into the living room to announce i will be needing to return my iPod do to about 6 stuck pixelsi encountered while watching a movie. So my little sister whom has no higher knowledge of electronics asks if she can see it. She said it looked like blue and red specks of dirt so she...
  6. K


    i have a 5g iPod that has already been registered. I just bought a shuffle off of eBay which is defined as new and unopened. I was just wondering though if the warranty could have began running out or already run out or if the warranty does not start until the product is registered, which...
  7. K

    New Software Install

    i currently own a 5g iPod and have all the software installed and i am planning on buying an iPod shuffle for the benefits of a flash hard drive while working out, snowboarding, dirtbiking, etc. Will i need to install more software once i get the shuffle or can i just plug it in and start...
  8. K

    My iPod doesnt turn on

    well whenever i dont use my iPod for like a full day i try to turn it on and it will not in any way. It only turns on when i attach it to an external power source (computer, ac adapter) and when it turns on the apple logo comes on, it doesnt just come out of its usual deep sleep, does anyone...
  9. K

    Podcast Updating Errors

    whenever i update my podcasts my one video podcast (G4TV Filter) will not update and when i click on the error exclamation on next to it the error message comes up saying i have an incorrect URL path, i have already tried unsubscribing resubscribing and it will not work. Any suggestions, help?!?!
  10. K

    IS dry??

    Well i got my invisible shield today, took me and hour to PERFECTLY apply it, then as i looked at it b4 i was leaving i noticed it was very solid and seemed completely dry. Feeling gutsy i turned on the iPod and tried moving the shield around. I did squeegee out almost all of the water under...
  11. K

    Best Way To Manage Videos

    Personally I beleive this is the best way for all of us to mange our videos when we have 10+ gigs of them on our iPods. After transferring a file to your iPod on the next update the iPod will just check to make sure the file is still listed in iTunes and does not actually download or delete...
  12. K

    Audio Book From Limewire

    If i ripped an audio book from cd could i still have it fall under the audiobooks category on my iPod somehow??Haven't tried it and would like to know. Figure i should somehow get the newest HP. Or will i just have to buy it from iTunes
  13. K

    Manually Managing Videos??

    THis is not an option on video tab why? and then how can i delete videos off my comp and keep them on the iPod?
  14. K

    iArt Help

    most of my tracks dont have album tags or art, is there any way i can unattentively set iArt to add both of these to my whole library.
  15. K

    Preps for the IS?!?!

    I have had my iPod for about 4 days right now and i have been trying to keep it clean and protected because my IS has just arrived today. Though i think nothing has seriously been scratched or dirtied i am still worried about anything being trapped under the IS once i apply it. I have no...
  16. K

    Skin help?!?!

    I was previously ordering an IS but today when i told my parents i planned to put soapy water on my 400 dollar xmas present they flipped out. They demand me get some kind of case but i dont want a case. I want a skin because whats the point of the iPod if you cant see it hid under a case, so i...
  17. K

    The Ivisible Shield

    Ya I just oredered an Invisible Shield for my 60gb iPod video because i thought it was great protection with no visibility or added bulk. I was just wondering though, how hard is it to apply correctly (ie. no air bubbles, disfunctions, bad alignments) and if you retain full touch sensitivity on...
  18. K

    How long for transfer????

    How long will it take me to transfer 12 gigs of #### to my ipod using a high speed usb port through iTunes? How much faster would it be if I got my hands on a firewire cable?
  19. K

    Synching iTunes w/ vids :(

    I am getting an iPod 5g 60gb for xmas and i have a quick question about synchs with iTunes for videos. If I put all my first transfer videos in one playlist, then transfered them to my iPod, then deleted these videos from my computer, would I be able to keep them on my iPod using the video...