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  1. R

    iPod frozen/stuck on hold.

    Hi, First problem with my iPod and it's not on the forum or Apple site from what I can see (quickly skimming through). As the subject title says, my iPod's stuck on hold. I always have it on that and when I take hold off it turns on and works fine. Tried doing it this afternoon and with no...
  2. R

    Syncing and filenames

    Hi, As I understand (just need confirmation) in MC9, if you sync your music and add new files it will skip over the ones already on your iPod and just add the new stuff yeah? Anyways, my question is with regards to filenames. I've heard that having foreign characters can mess things up a...
  3. R

    Windows 98SE + 2.1 Updater V.2 - is this a way round?

    Ipod 2.1 updater for Win98 Users Hi, So I ordered an iPod and was unlucky enough to have it come with a CD that tries to instal 2.1 rather than 2.01 which you can work around. Needless to say the same method doesn't work. Anyways, I copied all the files off the CD to my desktop in a folder I...
  4. R

    Silence at end of tracks

    No worries - I've read the FAQ already, and this question comes from that. Just wondering if the silence is a random occurence at the fault of the iPod or due to the recording? Also, the FAQ says how to overcome in iTunes, but how about other software - more so MMJB?
  5. R

    USB 2.0 Cable Alternatives

    Are there any alternatives to the type of cable you can get to connect an iPod to your USB port? I notice you have to buy it individually (costs ?15.00), and to my eyes this looks like the same thing (although the pic on the Apple Store site is tiny) and is much cheaper (?3.52!)...
  6. R

    Clearing things up - A few Q's with regards to Syncing, Win '98, Updates and New iPod

    Hi, I've been regularly browsing this forum, and now I've got the money I'm eager to purchase one. Just have a few questions with regards to the subject, so if anyone could help please let me know. PS: I'm sure these Q's ahve been asked 101 times but I can't find it all in such limited time...
  7. R

    "Edit track tags" in MMJB

    Is this the same as that ID3 (or whatever it's called) which is required for, I believe, track information to appear on an iPod?
  8. R

    'Horror stories' over purchasing from eBay?

    I'm always sceptical about expensive merchandise over eBay. I stay away from purchasing clothing because from what I've seen a vast majority of the labels on there are identifiably fake/bootlegs. However, with my never-ending want for an iPod, I can't help but get pulled in by the 100+ odd...
  9. R

    Windows '98 / Upgrading to 2000 or ME

    Hi all, To cut a long story short I really want an iPod. It's size, and amount of space for the price is absolutely amazing - I've seen MP3 players which are chunkier and with only 512MB space for more which makes no sense! Looking at the Apple site it says you need at least Windows 2000 and...