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  1. P

    Best Acquisitions of 2009

    So, it's that time of the year again. I haven't been posting for ages (yay college!) but a solid year end post is a good way to find music I may have missed or help other people find new music. This thread isn't just for 2009 releases, but for music you discovered or rediscovered in the last 12...
  2. P

    Facebook Is Freaking Me Out Right Now

    You know how Facebook suggests friends for you? Kristiano Ang was just suggested to me. What the hell? We don't have any mutual Facebook friends, and my screen name here is never mentioned on my Facebook page. The only things that could be seen on both profiles would be my first name, my...
  3. P

    The Value Of CDs

    We've discussed the value of CDs insomuch as they're physical objects, with art and whatnot, but I still get the impression that most people, even if they buy CDs, still listen to their collection primarily through iTunes or other software, and iPods or other PMPs. I recently found my...
  4. P

    I'm Not jwc110869

    On the index page of the forums, right now, the last post in the Lounge is shown to be mine, but when you click my screen name it goes to jwc110869's profile. I assume it's from the Snug, but it's interesting that the link goes to the last poster instead of directly to that screen name. It's...
  5. P

    Elvis Perkins In Dearland

    Elvis Perkins' sophomore album won't see physical release for a week or so, but you can buy an mp3 copy here for $8 with 2 of those dollars going to charity. The album is pretty good, I'd recommend it. They're playing in my area in April, and I'll probably go see them (again). The first time...
  6. P

    Bloc Party - "Intimacy"

    Well, on Monday this album was announced and today it was released online. Bloc Party works fast. You can buy it at, and you can preorder a physical copy which will come out on October 27 or 28 in the UK and US respectively. The first track is both a little annoying and a...
  7. P

    Pitchfork's Top 100 Albums Of The 80s

    Okay, okay, this article was posted in 2002... But, I just came across it, and thought it was good enough to share. I've never been a big Sonic Youth fan, but I'm going to listen to Daydream Nation again and try...
  8. P

    Is "The Graduate" THAT Funny?

    Okay, so I just finished watching The Graduate and I liked it a lot, and thought it was funny when it was supposed to be and stuff, but I don't think it's funny enough to be #9 on AFI's list of funniest movies. I've seen movies made this year that are funnier, let alone from the last forty. Is...
  9. P

    Myspace Vs. Facebook

    So, which is it? I caved to pressure and opened a facebook today, but I'm pretty proud that I avoided the whole scene for a couple years.
  10. P

    Line At Apple Store

    Line forms at Apple Store for no reason. What could it be, fellow Loungers? What do these people know that we don't? Improv Everywhere denies that it's them, and it's just pretty bizarre. A comment on Digg calls it "The plot of a bad M. Night Shymalan movie" and I'd have to agree. Crazy people.
  11. P

    Sudden Computer Death?

    My PC is homebuilt, an Asus M2N-SLI Deluxe MB, with an Athlon 64 X2 5400+ processor and 2 gigs of ram. Also, there's an XFX Geforce 7600 video card. It has had this exact setup since I built it, about a year ago. It has worked perfectly since then, literally zero troubles. Today, it made a...
  12. P

    Anyone Have a Giant Picture of Chairman Mao?

    I'm looking to make a big banner/poster to put up at school, and I need a picture to blow up. I'm worried about quality if I blow up a little image to make a massive poster, but I can't find any on Google that are sufficient. Anyone know of a good place to get said picture, or does anyone have...
  13. P

    Jackson C. Frank

    So, this is sort of left-field, I'm not sure how many loungers are into folk, but here goes. is a good source of information. To put it simply, his life sort of sucked. He put out only one album in his life, called either Blues Run the Game or...
  14. P

    Homepage Sidebar No Longer Using Cookies?

    The old sidebar used to remember which bits were opened or closed and they remembered what position each one was in. Now, they don't. That's about it. Can you fix this? Is it intentional? Is it just me? Firefox, Windows XP Pro.
  15. P

    Albums with 3 or Fewer Tracks

    Read the title. Post them. I have three songs left on my trial at eMusic, and I don't particularly want incomplete albums. Any genre, eMusic must have it. I already got The Decemberists' The Tain, so there goes one. Muchas gracias.
  16. P

    Eat Your Heart Out Jeff Foxworthy

    Rednecks are a vital part of American society. Without them, who would we laugh at. Even baggss will have to admit that Deborah Jackson is more of a "rednek" than he is...
  17. P

    Copy Disabled?

    Just curious if copying text from the forum is purposely disabled or if something is wrong with my setup... I tried copying someone's post to put it in a quote in my own post (an old one I was editing) but couldn't. If it's plagiarism related, I must say, it's a pity you had to resort to that...
  18. P

    Radiohead Set on Current TV

    Tonight at midnight eastern time, a prerecorded Radiohead set will be shown on Current TV and, as far as I know, Check it out, it should be good, and should be In Rainbows stuff. It's going to be an hour long. Thought I'd let people know. You know, if you aren't our partying.
  19. P

    Who Does This Random Guy Look Like?

    I foresee that this question will not be answered, especially since "that guy looks like so and so" can be quite subjective. Despite this, here goes. That contestant looks like a guy from a picture. I'm thinking it's a...
  20. P

    Any Possibility of Weird Malware?

    This afternoon I visited this site on my brother's computer and IE7 seemed to close with a window in the bottom right of my screen saying something about my computer not being protected, etc... It said I should install a program, whose name I know forget, and was obviously pretty sketchy. The...