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  1. C

    Help me make some AAC files

    Hey guys, I want to play with AAC and have had no luck so far. I've got CDs, and I wanna turn 'em into AAC files and use 'em with MC9 and my iPod just the way that I use my MP3 files. So, can y'all help a brother out? iTunes is not on my system, nor will it be if I can help it. I've got Nero...
  2. C

    Blah, WTH happened to Jewel?

    A friend of mine gave me a couple albums by Jewel the other day (thanks, man!). Now, I remember Jewel as a folky, bluesy girl with an extremely kissable voice and pick-n-strum skills galore. I remember bits and pieces of her "Pieces of You" album with great fondness, especially "You Were Meant...
  3. C

    Post Itunes Raves Here

    The old thread got closed, so here's a new thread. Rave on, if the mood strikes ya. c.c.r.
  4. C

    Gawd I hate being a newbie (with iTunes, that is)...

    ...but for real. Where the heck is the "Now Playing" part? Please don't tell me that I'm right about this: I browsed away from the currently playing album, and when the track ended, PLAYBACK ENDED. Is this expected behaviour? Is this normal? *shudder*
  5. C

    IMPORTANT Information, RE: New MusicMatch Download Store

    Great information, pasted here from a post made by iPodlounger SpideyPod in this thread. Don't buy music from MusicMatch Downloads if you want to use it on your iPod.
  6. C

    Attn: Skee-lo and Jackonicko

    I deleted your completely inappropriate thread. Play nice or please play elsewhere. Skee-lo, The language filter is there for a reason, and if I see you circumventing it again, I'll ban you outright, rather than just proposing it. Jacko, I know you're trying to help. I appreciate you looking...
  7. C

    Ratings, Playcounts, and Last Played on a WinniePod!!!

    Jumping forums a bit, just to point folks at a thread who may not have seen it already: Via Media Center 9.1, ratings, playcounts, and last played information is working. On a WinniePod. Boooo-yah!!
  8. C

    Ratings on G3 iPods almost done!

    With Media Center 9.1.247, the ratings are showing on my iPod! Woot! I downloaded it last night, did a sync, played a song, tapped twice, and lo and behold, there's stars lookin at me! Browsing through a few songs, I'm happy to report that the stars on the iPod's screen match up with the...
  9. C

    Because my kids are so darned cute...

    I figured I'd post 'em! (She's 6 and he's 2)
  10. C

    Go directly to

    Dear iPodloungers, You've probably all heard about the new vulnerability that's been announced in Windows XP, 2000, and NT. Long story short, a buffer overrun flaw was just discovered and made public in Windows' NT-based operating systems. If you run this OS, you should fix this vulnerability...
  11. C

    FYI on Playcounts & On-The-Go Ratings in MC9

    (link) (link not working and i can't fix it, grr)
  12. C

    Wow, I got off topic

    Aye, the ladies in EQ are all very nicely drawn. Pshaw. Back in my day, I had to imagine what the ladies looked like! Woot! SOTM in da house! Where my boys at? Where you at, Tarant an' Jarlaxle? Where'd Rha's punk behind get to? Mad ups to my boy Adam, Greydeath (G to tha DEE, baby!)...
  13. C

    Interesting - RIAA and MPAA blocked from techfocus

    Check this article out -- essentially, has blocked all of the known networks that the RIAA and MPAA own/use from accessing their site. If you're a RIAA employee, sitting at your desk, you can no longer access any content from What's even neater, they've posted a...
  14. C

    Need advice from mac folks

    I'm having trouble with my Quicksilver again. Replacing the memory just dinna help with this. So, my question is, if y'all have a tech support question, would you post in the actual Apple discussion forums or is there a better, friendlier place to go that you can refer me to? Like, when folks...
  15. C

    Mad props to OpenOffice.Org

    I don't know if y'all have seen it or not, but if you have a moment or two, check out OpenOffice -- Here is a replacement for Microsoft Office that is free. Being a "computer guy" I've known hundreds of computer users in my day. I can count on my fingers and probably not run out of fingers to...
  16. C

    Thinking of Expatriating!

    So... it's been a weird ride for me lately, and I've had a lot of time to think about "the way things are gonna be" -- and one of the thoughts that I had was: Why not just pack up and move to another country? Nothing stopping me from doing it, really. I could just sell the house, cash out...
  17. C

    That which does not kill us

    I'm still in shock. I went home last night and found that both of my 2 computers had been stolen. Monitors, mice, and keyboards too. Ironically, I had formatted my iPod the day before. I brought it to work with me yesterday, even though it had no music on it. I use it for contacts. I was...
  18. C

    MC 9.1 beta available soon.

    Here's a link to the current thread on it. This new version uses a different database format than 9.0, and thus may be problematic with your iPod. Experts only -- do not use this beta if you want solid, reliable interface with your iPod. Please continue to use 9.0.x if you don't want any...
  19. C

    Have you used Media Server yet?

    So, MC9 ships with a "mini-app" called Media Server. Essentially, it allows you to run a server on your machine that another MC9 user can connect to. Once connected, the remote user can browse your library just like it was on their own computer and stream the music from your server. They can...
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    Here's what I see in the future: All iPods (or a similar device) have built-in FM transmitters/receivers. There is a new option in your Settings menu: Receive. It can be set to ON or OFF. While OFF, everything is the same as it is now. While ON, if you aren't currently playing anything on...